Social Anxiety in the Festive Season - How Can it be Managed?

With the festive season fast approaching opportunities for social situations increase. End of year work parties, Christmas parties, New Year’s Eve celebrations and summer BBQs - the list goes on! Whilst many people look forward to these events, there are also many who dread them. Social events can trigger anxiety for some people, especially those who are prone to being very shy.

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Anxiety & Panic - What's the Difference?

Anxiety is a normal emotional state that we feel due to our bodies inbuilt flight or fight response. When there is a threat, whether it be real or imagined, we are programmed to feel anxiety to alert us to danger. This is super helpful when there is a real threat! But, not so helpful when it is an imagined threat. Some people may be genetically predisposed to being more anxious and sensitive types of people, for others stressful life circumstances can create feelings of anxiety. If anxiety becomes a common response to everyday life it can become overwhelming and may possibly lead to longer term mental health concerns.

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